HOLLOCOLAB: Research on mixed reality technologies to improve collaborative processes in BIM
Activities co-financed by the SEKUENS Agency and the Science, Technology and Innovation Plan (PCTI)

The main objective of the project is to investigate mixed reality technologies to improve collaborative processes in BIM projects. Going a step further than the current BIM model visualization applications, this project will allow to manipulate the model within an extended environment, modify the position of model elements (this change being registered), change the perspective to one in which the user can have a 1:1 scale experience, consult any data associated with the elements and even dynamically generate annotations through voice recognition.
In this way, the project aims to improve the current coordination systems, proposing innovations that allow to orientate the collaboration towards an extended, connected system with an intelligent change management, which in turn has all the project data at all times through the research of Mixed Reality and intelligent voice processing technologies.