Integrated Management System
TSK is an organisation dedicated to the execution of engineering and equipment projects in the industrial, energy, environmental and infrastructure sectors
Our goal is to be a leading company in terms of human resources, technology and profitability in order to offer efficient solutions in the field of engineering and equipment that contribute to sustainable development, both nationally and internationally, ensuring the satisfaction and confidence of our customers.
To achieve this objective, TSKunderstands innovation and applied research as an unavoidable path and a key opportunity for its development and competitiveness at national and international levels. This commitment is materialised in strong investments in R+D+i, continuous collaborations with technological centres and universities, as well as cooperation with companies in the framework of local, national and European programmes.
TSKhas implemented and certified an R+D+i Management System based on the UNE 166002:2021 standard, as it is considered a key element in promoting innovation and guaranteeing its success.