RE-CARBON: Investigation of methods of adsorption of pollutants by regenerated activated carbon and biochar
Projects co-financed by the Government of the Principality of Asturias through IDEPA and the Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation (PCTI), and the EU through the ERDF Funds

The RE-Carbon project seeks to investigate innovative solutions for the decontamination of liquid and gaseous effluents, based on the use of carbonaceous materials. The research is developed around three main axes: the development of dynamic units of adsorption with activated carbon optimized for the adsorption of target compounds in gas phase and aqueous phase that incorporate sensors that allow the monitoring of the process in real time, the analysis of technical and economic viability of the use of biochar for the purification of fluids and the analysis of technical and economic viability of the regeneration of activated carbon from the adaptation of an experimental plant of pyrolysis of forest residues for its energetic recovery, suitably modified to implement the stages of drying and gasification. The ultimate aim is to take advantage of the environmental opportunity that the industrial use of activated carbon for fluid purification represents, using the competitive advantage that the regeneration of coals in environments close to their use, reducing the costs associated with transport.