GG1-PC3 Compressor Station

Djelfa (Algeria)

Project GG1-PC3 Compressor Station

Description 3 turbocompressors x 15,5 MW/u, 1.600.000 m3 (n)/h, 71-55 bar (a).

Location Djelfa (Algeria)


Finish date 2007

More info about the project

EPC Project of the construction of the Compression Station of Position PC3 of the gas pipeline GG1.</br>

3 15MW Turbochargers, powerplant with 1,8 MWe turbine. It consists of three units of Turbochargers with a total flow of 1,6 MNm3/h @ 72 bar from suction pressure 42 bar. An electric powerplant by turbogenerator that supplies 1.8 MWe. All of the auxiliary installations, generator set, Lighting, Firefighting systems, Fire and Gas Detection, Skid Gas, Compressed air, water treatment plant, Raw Water System, Control Building, Turbo charger Building, Fire control Building, Maintenance Building, Compressed Air Building, 7 km Access Road, Bridge and Living Area (Community for living quarters for Customer’s Personnel)