Business Transformation through Servitization

Project Business Transformation through Servitization
Description Use of IoT technology in order to sensorize traditional products, opening a new business model.
Location Alicante (Spain)
Finish date 2020
More info about the project
Generation of new business models for our clients
Using IoT technology, we sensorized the products that our client usually sold in a traditional way, transforming them so that they are not just physical elements, but also data sources. This, combined with the information of the environment where they were installed, allowed our client to offer added value services.
Data are collected by the servitization platform, transforming them into useful information that not only improves the maintenance of the products and their correct use, but they are also enhanced with that extra information. This helps operators and users to optimize processes and to improve their customer’s value chain.
Throughout these years we have carried out numerous projects in this activity