TSK offers integral engineering services for the design, development, execution and start-up of installations based on the use of hydrogen as an energy vector. The company has the capacity of tackling complex projects in an integral manner, with experience in different technologies involved in these projects: renewable energy generation; electrical interconnection; intermediate energy storage; integrated control system; production of hydrogen, ammonia or synthetic fuels; treatment of special gases and their final application to industrial processes, re-electrification or export.
To further strengthen its strategic position, TSK has closed different collaboration agreements with some of the most important manufacturers and with technological and engineering centers, such as the National Hydrogen Center (CNH2), CIUDEN Ciudad de la Energía, TRESCA, Tekniker, LIFTEC, CSIC, IDONIAL, CIEMAT or EnergyLab.
TSK belongs to different associations, including the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, PTE-HPC, MetaIndustry4, FAEN and ASEALEN. In addition, the company has been invited to the AiH2 (Hydrogen Industry Sector Agenda) End User Expert Committee.
Hydrogen is seen as key to a clean, safe and affordable future energy system. With renewable energy increasingly involved in the electricity generation mix, hydrogen could play the role of storing large amounts of electricity for days, weeks or even months.
Depending on the production process, hydrogen is color-coded from gray (natural gas reforms), blue (gray hydrogen with carbon capture and storage) and green (by electrolysis of water with renewable energy) to even pink (electrolysis of nuclear-powered water).
Green hydrogen is achieved through a process of electrolysis powered by renewable energies such as wind or solar. Electrolysis consists of using an electric current to break down the water molecule into oxygen and hydrogen by means of electrodes.
When we need to convert it into energy, the hydrogen stored in specific tanks is channeled to a fuel cell. There it is united again with oxygen from the air and electrical energy is obtained. In this way, the only waste left by the process is water, a clean, sustainable system in which no CO₂ is emitted to produce energy.
Hydrogen is used as a raw material in the chemical industry to manufacture ammonia and fertilizers, in the petrochemical industry for oil refining and in metallurgy to obtain steel. The use of hydrogen in these three industries produces a large amount of carbon dioxide emissions. For example, steelmaking makes up 6-7% of global CO₂ emissions, 2-3 times the emissions of all global aviation. We could use green hydrogen as a raw material and produce steel without emissions, which would be a very important step towards the urgent decarbonization of these industries.
The use of green hydrogen as a fuel will be one of the keys to help the decarbonization of transport, especially long-distance and air transport.
In maritime transport, very cheap but highly polluting fuels are normally used, so green hydrogen is presented as a decisive alternative for vessels that travel long distances. In aviation, on the other hand, green hydrogen can be the basis for synthetic fuels that radically reduce emissions in this sector. It will also be essential for other modes of transport, such as rail and heavy goods transport by road.
Caparroso Biodiesel Plant, the resurgence of the biofuel sector
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