TSK’s beginnings in this sector take
place in the first years of the company’s development.
The company’s initial link with electricity projects led to its participation in the development and construction of hydroelectric plants that, by controlling the flow of water, are used to regulate electricity demand.
Since these initial projects of modest scope (1.3 MW) 30 years ago, TSK has continued to actively participate in this sector, currently executing executing worldwide projects.
Today, hydroelectric energy, obtained through the use of energy from streams and waterfalls, is one of the main sources of renewable energy, and hydroelectric plants are considered the simplest and most efficient electricity generation plants, as well as having a low environmental impact
Ivirizu, the best alternative for Bolivia’s energy supply
El Proyecto Hidroeléctrico Miguillas (PHM), cuyos primeros estudios datan del año 1976, fue incluido en el Plan Óptimo de Expansión del Sistema Interconectado Nacional de Bolivia como una de las alternativas más ventajosas para el suministro de ...
Our Hydraulics projects
Throughout these years we have carried out numerous projects in this activity.