Technology applied to industry
The experience and knowledge accumulated during all these years in the most varied industries, together with the use of the most advanced technological applications, allows us to tackle solutions for our clients from the design phase to commissioning of different process plants.

Paper, mining, steel and cement
From storage and transport equipment and facilities to the turnkey execution of complete plants, in collaboration with the world's leading technologists, TSK has been offering innovative solutions for industry for over 30 years. soluciones innovadoras para la industria.

Agro-industry involves the entire chain of agricultural and livestock production, based on sustainability and cost optimization. TSK has extensive experience as an international expert in the integral processes of the sector. The flexibility and the selective policy of technological solutions guarantee the quality of the product in the industrial field. TSK's expertise in one of the main areas of the food industry, sugar production, amounts to a total of 2,541,000 Tn of sugar per year among the plants carried out in the last 5 years.
Agro-industry involves the entire chain of agricultural and livestock production, based on sustainability and cost optimization. TSK has extensive experience as an international expert in the integral processes of the sector. The flexibility and the selective policy of technological solutions guarantee the quality of the product in the industrial field. TSK's expertise in one of the main areas of the food industry, sugar production, amounts to a total of 2,541,000 Tn of sugar per year among the plants carried out in the last 5 years.
Biofuel production plants use vegetable oils (biodiesel) or sugar-rich vegetable products (bioethanol) as raw material to produce biodiesel or bioethanol through a physical-chemical process of transesterification or dilution+conversion+fermentation.
The Yanbu refinery in Saudi Arabia, a world reference
It is located in an important industrial area within the Port of King Fahad, in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia, TSK is executing the engineering, assembly and commissioning of a white sugar refinery, with a total production capacity of 750 t/h, as well as a ref...
Our Industry projects
Throughout these years we have carried out numerous projects in this activity.