Efficient plants
Energy flexibility in more than 30 countries on 4 continents
The experience and knowledge accumulated for more than 35 years in the main technical disciplines, together with the digitalization of installations, has allowed us to develop innovative solutions for flexible power plants in more than 30 countries, from Indonesia to Bolivia, and in locations as diverse as Jamaica, Mozambique or Chile.

Efficient Gas Power Plants
We know that today flexibility is the key to generating energy in a cost effective way. Gas plants with both turbines and engines provide maximum flexibility and efficiency. At TSK we design the plants taking into account the customer's requirements in terms of prioritizing base load, maximum power or network stability, offering a particular solution for each case.

Cogeneration Plants
Cogeneration is an energy solution that efficiently combines the generation of electrical and thermal energy from a single fuel.
An industrial installation dimensioned for both consumptions makes more efficient use of the fuel, allowing it to achieve efficiencies of over 85%.
Cogeneration plants can be installed close to the consumers of heat and electricity, allowing the energy to be used more efficiently.
Una instalación industrial dimensionada para ambos consumos aprovecha más eficientemente el combustible, permitiendo alcanzar rendimientos por encima del 85 %.
Las plantas de cogeneración pueden instalarse cerca de los consumidores de calor y electricidad, lo cual permite aprovechar más eficientemente la energía.
Cogeneration is an energy solution that efficiently combines the generation of electrical and thermal energy from a single fuel.
An industrial installation dimensioned for both consumptions makes more efficient use of the fuel, allowing it to achieve efficiencies of over 85%.
Cogeneration plants can be installed close to the consumers of heat and electricity, allowing the energy to be used more efficiently.
Una instalación industrial dimensionada para ambos consumos aprovecha más eficientemente el combustible, permitiendo alcanzar rendimientos por encima del 85 %.
Las plantas de cogeneración pueden instalarse cerca de los consumidores de calor y electricidad, lo cual permite aprovechar más eficientemente la energía.
TSK’s Kékeli project in Togo drives sub-Saharan Africa towards energy efficiency
The KEKELI EFFICIENT POWER PLANT 65 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant will provide energy security to Togo The KEKELI EFFICIENT POWER PLANT 65 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant will provide energy security to Togo, as it will be powered by natural gas suppli...
Our Flexible Power Plants proyects
Throughout these years we have carried out numerous projects in this activity.