Vision Systems
Supervision, control, optimization and securization of various types of industrial processes through the application of artificial vision technologies
These systems can be deployed without stopping the production process, guaranteeing the safety of the process and of the people involved and allowing both real-time results and remote monitoring. Furthermore, the combination with IIoT or Big Data Analytics technologies offers advanced integration and analytical possibilities that are unprecedented in the world of digitalisation.

Visible spectrum image analysis
The processing of images in the visible spectrum is one of the current pillars of image processing in industrial scenarios, since it allows us to extract new sources of information of interest beyond the traditional ones.

Thermographic image analysis
The infrared radiation of the electromagnetic spectrum emitted by any object, captured by a thermographic camera and analysed a posteriori, allows us to identify, detect and characterise the thermal fingerprint of the images in a fully automated manner. The combination of this analysis (both quantitative and qualitative) with the visual analysis or other existing sources of information, will provide a global characterisation of the installation.

Analysis of aerial, satellite and multispectral images
The democratization of the most advanced cameras (multispectral, hyperspectral, electroluminescence) until recently reserved for very exclusive uses, is today a reality that allows us to reveal patterns, characteristics and anomalies that could previously go totally unnoticed, reaching special relevance in sectors such as food safety, precision farming, or recycling of materials.
Throughout these years we have carried out numerous projects in this activity