SISREM is a tool specifically designed to optimize the supervision of industrial plants.
This task is made possible by three fundamental aspects:
A unified technological architecture that allows the acquisition of all the heterogeneous information generated in an industrial process in a homogenised manner and independent from manufacturer and protocols.
A set of advanced data analysis algorithms that automatically and intelligently allow the detection and prediction of events of interest.
A careful, comfortable and friendly web interface, capable of representing the information in a visual, orderly and customisable way according to the preferences of each user.
When the user logs in to SISREM he finds a set of tabs/modules with an organised appearance and an intuitive and simple mode of use. These tabs offer numerous functionalities aimed at monitoring the different plant control parameters, so that they can be viewed clearly, quickly and visually.

Technological architecture
A unified and modular technological architecture based on IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) technologies that allow the acquisition necessary to carry out thermographic image processing.

Smart algorithms
A set of intelligent data analysis algorithms that allow quantitative and qualitative analysis of the state of the substation by automatically detecting abnormal thermographic patterns. This favours not only corrective maintenance but also condition-based and predictive maintenance.

User experience
A carefully designed, comfortable and user-friendly web interface, capable of representing the information in a visual, orderly and customisable manner according to the preferences of each user. This interface allows remote monitoring of the installation